Kidish is an interactive product that I designed during my graduate study at Interactive Technologies Program of NYU Tisch School of Arts. It is a fun-time food plate that promotes healthy eating for children ages between 2 to 5 through entertainment. I worked on this project with 3 other fellow ITP students. The plate features sound, LED animations, and temperature indicators that respond to touch. The happy-face and fruit LED animations react to touch and correspond with fun-time children songs being played.

Temperature indicators are included for protection. For example, a red light indicates food that is too hot to eat, and the light blinks as the food is cooling down. The temperature indicator also blinks as the food starts getting too cold, and the light turns blue at a temperature when bacteria begins growing, blinking when the food has been at bacteria growth temperature for an hour. The dish is constructed using plastic for safety.

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Kidish: Testing the touch sensors, temperature sensors and music

Kidish: Testing the touch sensors, temperature sensors and music

Kidish: Testing the touch sensors, temperature sensors and music

Kidish: Testing the touch sensors, temperature sensors and music

Programming and Constructing

Programming and Constructing